The lens of our own experience (Changing perspectives)
They say,
“one year older, one year wiser.” Age grants not only wisdom, but also
perspective. Perspective sculpted through our own personal experiences and
through the experiences of our peers. There is nothing more invaluable than
experience. “A man who never makes a mistake never makes anything.” Through
errors and hardships to successes and contentment, we mold our own personal
experience. The truth is, all of our experiences color our vision, our lens
through which we see the world and what one has felt in the past, what one has
dealt with, and what one has overcome or failed to overcome begins to paint our
world for us.
We may be looking for patterns in our life. We learn what to look
out for when we open the door in the morning to greet the day. Now, after
having noted the effects of experiences, it is important to understand how lack
of experience similarly paints the lens through which we view the world. What’s
better, much experience or little experience? This question may be answered
only by an individual alone. There is no perfect model or answer.
Those of little experience may be too
optimistic in their views, too naive, too unaware to really be able to see
the true
reality of the world. At times, the eternal optimism may overtake a young
mind such that the most innocuous or irrelevant moment becomes one of great
wonder and meaning. An example of seeing the world through the lens of lack of
experience, parse. Making nothing into something and maybe even making
everything into nothing in other circumstances. For those of little experience,
perhaps seeing the world as one wants to see it is the default position. There
is no alter native, due to the lack of experience and perspective.
When we see
solely what we want to see, we steal away from others their own autonomy, their
own free will, their own dreams and desires, their ability to be who they are,
as opposed to them being what we color them to be, based on our decided vision
of them.
There is nothing more invaluable
than a mind that can see things as they are. A mind that neglects to impose its
painted vision onto the subject at hand. A mind that chooses to see only
reality. A mind that only compares and contrasts its past experiences to
understand the present.
We see the world through the
lens of our experience. Experience is beautiful. Somebody once said that experience is great. However,
experience should never take away from reality, such that reality is never
given a fighting chance to be as it is.
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